New Layout!
I got bored with the old one. REALLY bored. If I stick to one layout for too long I won't feel like visiting my blog anymore 'cause to me it's just the same old, same old, b-o-r-i-n-g. :) Well that's remedied, for NOW.
I guess it's just that I KNOW how to change it so looking at the same thing over and over again is frustrating. You have this overwhelming urge to rip it out and start afresh. It's the same feeling you get when you buy something you really like, then obsess over it but get bored of it quickly. :P I used to do that with bags, but the lack of money has kind of removed that urge from me. Now I just use the same Converse bag everywhere I go. It's the most expensive bag I've ever bought for myself. Sixty-five bucks I think. :D What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought for yourself? (You can answer in the Cbox.)
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